By collaborating with our customers, we find creative ways to identify value and productive solutions.
Agri is a leading agri-industrial actor. Builds on over years’ experience of providing our customers with high quality commodities and services
In addition to delivering responsibly-sourced Cocoa Beans, we are now increasing our engagement in commodity-producing countries through processing operations in Cocoa Beans.
With subsidiaries in originating regions, and agents in key locations, Agri’s strength lies in the skills of its workers, the cultural diversity of its teams, and a deep understanding of the countries in which the company operates.
Is to continue to grow has a leading agri–company actor, providing innovative solution that generate value all along our supply- chains, from country of origin to final customers.
By collaborating with our customers, we find creative ways to identify value and productive solutions.
We oversee each transaction from origin to final delivery. When obstacles arise, we prove ourselves by finding solutions.
We have fun. We approach coffee trading with excitement and energy. We don't do things half-heartedly. Coffee is truly our passion.
Years of experience have allowed us to look at the Cocoa Beans market with multiple viewpoints that benefit our customers. We provide market and industry related counsel for roasters of all sizes.
Agri Commodity Trading Company is independent, both in structure and in practice. We strive to keep our supplier base predominantly comprised of the cooperative and independent exporter sectors. We view our role as identifying value in the current trading environment so that we can bring this value directly to our customers.
We are careful about our commitments, whether it be a delivery date or a quality description. We choose not to take undue risks or to make promises that we cannot keep.
Founded in 2008, and started exporting since 2020 Agri Commodity Trading Company is a global leader in the commodities trading & processing industry. We have office in JJY community Somalia Drive four continents and a network of exporting subsidiaries located in commodity producing countries. Our customers include some of the world's largest chocolate manufacturers, Cocoa Bean processors, retailers.
We take pride in our sustainability engagement in the countries where we operate.
Conscious that our workforce is one of our greatest assets, we believe in providing a stimulating working environment and in providing workers with the resources to grow in their jobs.
Shareholders, managers and workers alike all contribute to the group’s growth and success. From the farm to the desk, our teams are passionate about the products we trade and transform.
Our value-chain management requires the combination of many different skill-sets and competencies. We employ individuals that understand the cultures of the countries where we operate, and the specific needs of our clients, be it for tasks as diverse as weather forecasting, Agrinomic expertise, or logistics operations.
Over 90% of our teams are based in product sourcing countries. Top management and shareholders that are based in Monrovia, make regular site-visits to our operations at origin.
Conscious that our workforce is one of our greatest assets, we believe in providing a stimulating working environment and in providing workers with the resources to grow in their jobs.
In addition to the group’s sustainability activities, it also supports a number of employees regularly volunteering to participate in fund-raising activities.
Meet our dedicated team of passionate agricultural experts, committed to driving innovation and sustainability in farming.